[ros-dev] RE: [ros-diffs] [CVS reactos] Fix handling of debug trapsin GDB stub/KiDispatchException.

Gunnar Dalsnes hardon at online.no
Sun Nov 14 14:59:01 CET 2004

I also get a strange error->bsod that may be related.

When an exception is raised via ZwRaiseException->ZwRosSystemServiceThunk, i
get "Divide Error Exception" with address 6ea84:

c006ea70 <_ZwRosSystemServiceThunk>:
c006ea70:	55                   	push   %ebp
c006ea71:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
c006ea73:	83 ec 0c             	sub    $0xc,%esp
c006ea76:	89 45 fc             	mov    %eax,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
c006ea79:	89 55 f8             	mov    %edx,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
c006ea7c:	8b 45 fc             	mov    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax
c006ea7f:	8b 55 f8             	mov    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%edx
c006ea82:	cd 2e                	int    $0x2e
> c006ea84:	89 45 f4             	mov    %eax,0xfffffff4(%ebp)
c006ea87:	8b 45 f4             	mov    0xfffffff4(%ebp),%eax


-----Original Message-----
From: ros-dev-bounces at reactos.com [mailto:ros-dev-bounces at reactos.com] On
Behalf Of Hartmut Birr
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 1:18 PM
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: [ros-dev] RE: [ros-diffs] [CVS reactos] Fix handling of debug
trapsin GDB stub/KiDispatchException.


this changes breaks the handling of exceptions if KDB isn't set. In
KiDispatchException the variable Action is preinitialized with kdContinue.
After your changes, KiDispatchException does always return without any
action. After this changes, I'm not able to install reactos. At the second
stage setup I do never see the reboot page.

- Hartmut
CVSspam 0.2.8

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