[ros-dev] Pissoff hotlix

magnus at itkonsult-olsen.com magnus at itkonsult-olsen.com
Mon Jun 27 03:24:04 CEST 2005


I still alot pissoff hotlix they are still breaking gpl

see GPL Licen paragraph 2.c
If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must
cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary
way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright
notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions,
and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the
Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement,
your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

Hotlix have replace there copyright note on every dll and exe files at run time.
ReactOS are interactive when it start and therefore are you not allown to
change the copyright note. When you take view propites of a dll / exe / sys /
.. we are showing our copyright. therefor are you not allown to change this
copyright note.

and they are breaking paragraph
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as
expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify,
sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate
your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or
rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so
long as such parties remain in full compliance.

They are not allown to change any licen from us. for we using sublicen wine dll
are lgpl and our own code are gpl thefor should wine dll see as a sublicen. I
have not check see if they are still breaking more paragraph in gpl. And I
start thinking to we or I should send a email say at they have break gpl and
they are not longer right to use our code or my.

I need get this out from my head and hart. I am alot pissoff on holtix guys.
The taking our patch and put into there source there. without telling how have
wrote the code. That mean they are breaking some copyright laws. You can not
take other source code and put into another there without writen permitontion
or tell where the code comes from. if you look at there source there you will
think they have wrote the patch code. But it is some devloper at us that have
write the patch for reactos.

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