[ros-dev] HP webOS goes opensource

Timo Kreuzer timo.kreuzer at web.de
Thu Jan 19 20:15:44 UTC 2012

Am 19.01.2012 01:21, schrieb Adam:
> Ah, politics. ;)
> Linus Torvalds wouldn't even let a kernel debugger make it into the
> kernel for a long time because he seemed to be under the impression
> that they are for sissies.

Quote L. T.: "I don't think kernel development should be "easy". I do 
not condone single-stepping through code to find the bug. I do not think 
that extra visibility into the system is
necessarily a good thing."

MAAAN, I have rarely read so much BS in so few senteces. That guy must 
be completely retarded. No wonder linux sucks so much...

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