[ros-diffs] [fireball] 48391: - Move arwinss-specific headers into reactos/wine include directory.

fireball at svn.reactos.org fireball at svn.reactos.org
Sun Aug 1 12:42:08 UTC 2010

Author: fireball
Date: Sun Aug  1 12:42:07 2010
New Revision: 48391

URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos?rev=48391&view=rev
- Move arwinss-specific headers into reactos/wine include directory.

      - copied unchanged from r48380, branches/arwinss/reactos/include/psdk/ntrosgdi.h
      - copied unchanged from r48380, branches/arwinss/reactos/include/reactos/win32k/rosuser.h

Removed: branches/arwinss/reactos/include/psdk/ntrosgdi.h
URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/branches/arwinss/reactos/include/psdk/ntrosgdi.h?rev=48390&view=auto
--- branches/arwinss/reactos/include/psdk/ntrosgdi.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ branches/arwinss/reactos/include/psdk/ntrosgdi.h (removed)
@@ -1,173 +1,0 @@
- * NtRosGdi Entrypoints
- */
-#ifndef _NTROSGDI_
-#define _NTROSGDI_
-#ifndef W32KAPI
-typedef struct _NTDRV_PDEVICE
-    HDC  hUserDC;
-    HDC  hKernelDC;
-    HRGN region;      /* Device region (visible region & clip region) */
-    int  cache_index; /* cache of a currently selected font */
-typedef struct _ROS_DCINFO
-    WORD  dwType;
-    SIZE  szVportExt;
-    POINT ptVportOrg;
-    SIZE  szWndExt;
-    POINT ptWndOrg;
-    XFORM xfWorld2Wnd;
-    XFORM xfWnd2Vport;
-typedef struct
-    LOGFONTW lf;
-    XFORM    xform;
-    SIZE     devsize;  /* size in device coords */
-    DWORD    hash;
-typedef enum { AA_None = 0, AA_Grey, AA_RGB, AA_BGR, AA_VRGB, AA_VBGR, AA_MAXVALUE } AA_Type;
-typedef struct
-    int xOff;
-    int yOff;
-    int width;
-    int height;
-    int x;
-    int y;
-} GlyphInfo;
-typedef struct
-    //GlyphSet glyphset;
-    //XRenderPictFormat *font_format;
-    int nrealized;
-    BOOL *realized;
-    void **bitmaps;
-    GlyphInfo *gis;
-} gsCacheEntryFormat;
-typedef struct
-    LFANDSIZE lfsz;
-    AA_Type aa_default;
-    gsCacheEntryFormat * format[AA_MAXVALUE];
-    INT count;
-    INT next;
-} gsCacheEntry;
-/* bitmap.c */
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiAlphaBlend(HDC devDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT widthDst, INT heightDst,
-                             HDC devSrc, INT xSrc, INT ySrc, INT widthSrc, INT heightSrc,
-                             BLENDFUNCTION blendfn);
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiBitBlt( HDC physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
-                    INT width, INT height, HDC physDevSrc,
-                    INT xSrc, INT ySrc, DWORD rop );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiCreateBitmap( HDC physDev, HBITMAP hBitmap, BITMAP *pBitmap, LPVOID bmBits );
-HBITMAP APIENTRY RosGdiCreateDIBSection( HDC physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap,
-                                       const BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT usage, DIBSECTION *dib );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiDeleteBitmap( HBITMAP hbitmap );
-LONG APIENTRY RosGdiGetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, void *buffer, LONG count );
-INT APIENTRY RosGdiGetDIBits( HDC physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap, UINT startscan, UINT lines,
-                            LPVOID bits, BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse, DIBSECTION *dib );
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiGetPixel( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPatBlt( HDC physDev, INT left, INT top, INT width, INT height, DWORD rop );
-LONG APIENTRY RosGdiSetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbitmap, const void *bits, LONG count );
-UINT APIENTRY RosGdiSetDIBColorTable( HDC physDev, UINT start, UINT count, const RGBQUAD *colors );
-INT APIENTRY RosGdiSetDIBits( HDC physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap, UINT startscan,
-                            UINT lines, LPCVOID bits, const BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse );
-INT APIENTRY RosGdiSetDIBitsToDevice( HDC physDev, INT xDest, INT yDest, DWORD cx,
-                                    DWORD cy, INT xSrc, INT ySrc,
-                                    UINT startscan, UINT lines, LPCVOID bits,
-                                    const BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiStretchBlt( HDC physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
-                              INT widthDst, INT heightDst,
-                              HDC physDevSrc, INT xSrc, INT ySrc,
-                              INT widthSrc, INT heightSrc, DWORD rop );
-/* dc.c */
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiCreateDC( PROS_DCINFO dc, HDC *pdev, LPCWSTR driver, LPCWSTR device,
-                              LPCWSTR output, const DEVMODEW* initData );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiDeleteDC( HDC physDev );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetDCOrgEx( HDC physDev, LPPOINT lpp );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPaintRgn( HDC physDev, HRGN hrgn );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiSelectBitmap( HDC physDev, HBITMAP hbitmap, BOOL stock );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiSelectBrush( HDC physDev, LOGBRUSH *pLogBrush );
-HFONT APIENTRY RosGdiSelectFont( HDC physDev, HFONT hfont, HANDLE gdiFont );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiSelectPen( HDC physDev, LOGPEN *pLogPen, EXTLOGPEN *pExtLogPen );
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiSetBkColor( HDC physDev, COLORREF color );
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiSetDCBrushColor( HDC physDev, COLORREF crColor );
-DWORD APIENTRY RosGdiSetDCOrg( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiSetBrushOrg( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y );
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiSetDCPenColor( HDC physDev, COLORREF crColor );
-void APIENTRY RosGdiSetDeviceClipping( HDC physDev, UINT count, PRECTL pRects, PRECTL rcBounds );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiSetDeviceGammaRamp(HDC physDev, LPVOID ramp);
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiSetPixel( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y, COLORREF color );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiSetPixelFormat(HDC physDev,
-                                   int iPixelFormat,
-                                   const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *ppfd);
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiSetTextColor( HDC physDev, COLORREF color );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiSetDcRects( HDC physDev, RECT *rcDcRect, RECT *rcVport );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiGetDcRects( HDC physDev, RECT *rcDcRect, RECT *rcVport );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiGetDC( HDC physDev, HWND hwnd, BOOL clipChildren );
-VOID APIENTRY RosGdiReleaseDC( HDC physDev );
-/* enum.c */
-int APIENTRY RosGdiChoosePixelFormat(HDC physDev,
-                                   const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *ppfd);
-int APIENTRY RosGdiDescribePixelFormat(HDC physDev,
-			       int iPixelFormat,
-			       UINT nBytes,
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiEnumDeviceFonts( HDC physDev, LPLOGFONTW plf,
-                                   FONTENUMPROCW proc, LPARAM lp );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetCharWidth( HDC physDev, UINT firstChar, UINT lastChar,
-                                  LPINT buffer );
-INT APIENTRY RosGdiGetDeviceCaps( HDC physDev, INT cap );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetDeviceGammaRamp(HDC physDev, LPVOID ramp);
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetICMProfile( HDC physDev, LPDWORD size, LPWSTR filename );
-COLORREF APIENTRY RosGdiGetNearestColor( HDC physDev, COLORREF color );
-int APIENTRY RosGdiGetPixelFormat(HDC physDev);
-UINT APIENTRY RosGdiGetSystemPaletteEntries( HDC physDev, UINT start, UINT count,
-                                     LPPALETTEENTRY entries );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetTextExtentExPoint( HDC physDev, LPCWSTR str, INT count,
-                                        INT maxExt, LPINT lpnFit, LPINT alpDx, LPSIZE size );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiGetTextMetrics(HDC physDev, TEXTMETRICW *metrics);
-/* misc.c */
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiArc( HDC physDev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom,
-            INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend, ARCTYPE arc );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiEllipse( HDC physDev, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom );
-INT APIENTRY RosGdiExtEscape( HDC physDev, INT escape, INT in_count, LPCVOID in_data,
-                            INT out_count, LPVOID out_data );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiExtFloodFill( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y, COLORREF color,
-                     UINT fillType );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiExtTextOut( HDC physDev, INT x, INT y, UINT flags,
-                   const RECT *lprect, LPCWSTR wstr, UINT count,
-                   const INT *lpDx, gsCacheEntryFormat *formatEntry,
-                   AA_Type aa_type );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiLineTo( HDC physDev, INT x1, INT y1, INT x2, INT y2 );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPolyPolygon( HDC physDev, const POINT* pt, const INT* counts, UINT polygons);
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPolyPolyline( HDC physDev, const POINT* pt, const DWORD* counts, DWORD polylines );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPolygon( HDC physDev, const POINT* pt, INT count );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiPolyline( HDC physDev, const POINT* pt, INT count );
-UINT APIENTRY RosGdiRealizeDefaultPalette( HDC physDev );
-UINT APIENTRY RosGdiRealizePalette( HDC physDev, HPALETTE hpal, BOOL primary );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiRectangle(HDC physDev, PRECT rc);
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiRoundRect( HDC physDev, INT left, INT top, INT right,
-                  INT bottom, INT ell_width, INT ell_height );
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiSwapBuffers(HDC physDev);
-BOOL APIENTRY RosGdiUnrealizePalette( HPALETTE hpal );

Removed: branches/arwinss/reactos/include/reactos/win32k/rosuser.h
URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/branches/arwinss/reactos/include/reactos/win32k/rosuser.h?rev=48390&view=auto
--- branches/arwinss/reactos/include/reactos/win32k/rosuser.h [iso-8859-1] (original)
+++ branches/arwinss/reactos/include/reactos/win32k/rosuser.h (removed)
@@ -1,191 +1,0 @@
- * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS Win32 Graphical Subsystem (WIN32K)
- * FILE:            include/win32k/rosuser.h
- * PURPOSE:         Win32 Shared USER Types for RosUser*
- * PROGRAMMER:      Aleksey Bragin <aleksey at reactos.org>
- */
-/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
-#ifndef __WIN32K_ROSUSER_H
-#define __WIN32K_ROSUSER_H
-/* DEFINES *******************************************************************/
-/* ENUMERATIONS **************************************************************/
-/* TYPES *********************************************************************/
-/* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/
-#if 0
-    HDC hdc,
-    LPRECT rect,
-    LPARAM lp
-    HMONITOR handle,
-RosUserGetCursorPos( LPPOINT pt );
-RosUserSetCursorPos( INT x, INT y );
-RosUserClipCursor( LPCRECT clip );
-#if 0
-void NTAPI
-RosUserSetCursor( ICONINFO* IconInfo );
-RosUserCreateCursorIcon(ICONINFO* IconInfoUnsafe,
-                        HCURSOR Handle);
-RosUserDestroyCursorIcon(ICONINFO* IconInfoUnsafe,
-                         HCURSOR Handle);
-RosUserSetCursor( ICONINFO* IconInfoUnsafe );
-   PUNICODE_STRING lpszDeviceName,
-   LPDEVMODEW lpDevMode,
-   HWND hwnd,
-   DWORD dwflags,
-   LPVOID lParam);
-   OPTIONAL OUT PRECTL monitorRectList,
-   OPTIONAL IN DWORD listSize);
-   PUNICODE_STRING pusDeviceName,
-   DWORD iModeNum,
-   LPDEVMODEW lpDevMode,
-   DWORD dwFlags );
-   IN HMONITOR hMonitor,
-   OUT LPMONITORINFO pMonitorInfo);
-   DWORD dwThreadId);
-   LPWSTR lpszName);
-   IN HANDLE Handle,
-   IN DWORD offTable,
-   IN PUNICODE_STRING puszKeyboardName,
-   IN HKL hKL,
-   IN UINT Flags);
-   HKL hKl,
-   ULONG Flags);
-   HKL hKl);
-   WCHAR wChar,
-   HKL hKeyboardLayout,
-   BOOL UsehKL );
-RosUserGetKeyNameText( LONG lParam, LPWSTR lpString, int nSize );
-   UINT wVirtKey,
-   UINT wScanCode,
-   PBYTE lpKeyState,
-   LPWSTR pwszBuff,
-   int cchBuff,
-   UINT wFlags,
-   HKL dwhkl );
-RosUserMapVirtualKeyEx( UINT Code, UINT Type, DWORD keyboardId, HKL dwhkl );
-   INT key);
-RosUserSetAsyncKeyboardState(BYTE key_state_table[]);
-RosUserGetAsyncKeyboardState(BYTE key_state_table[]);
-SwmAddWindow(HWND hWnd, RECT *WindowRect, DWORD style, DWORD ex_style);
-SwmAddDesktopWindow(HWND hWnd, UINT Width, UINT Height);
-SwmRemoveWindow(HWND hWnd);
-SwmSetForeground(HWND hWnd);
-SwmPosChanging(HWND hWnd, const RECT *WindowRect);
-SwmPosChanged(HWND hWnd, const RECT *WindowRect, const RECT *OldRect, HWND hWndAfter, UINT SwpFlags);
-SwmGetWindowFromPoint(LONG x, LONG y);
-SwmShowWindow(HWND hWnd, BOOLEAN Show, UINT SwpFlags);
-#endif /* __WIN32K_NTUSER_H */

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