[ros-kernel] Progress bar border

Ge van Geldorp ge at gse.nl
Mon Apr 5 10:57:23 CEST 2004

> From: Richard Campbell
> Are you sure the border in this case isn't progress bar 
> specific?  There isn't a flag to determine whether this
> border is displayed, the way you suggest would be to
> just draw the border for EVERY control in WM_NCPAINT,
> which is incorrect, or am i misunderstanding you?

I haven't looked at the code, but the progress bar is a direct port from
Wine. Wine does draw the border correctly when needed without your
change to progress.c, so there must be another way.
We will never get your change accepted into Wine and to keep
synchronizing between the Wine tree and our own tree as simple as
possible I would very much welcome it if your change could be reverted.

Gé van Geldorp.

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