[ros-kernel] ReactOS 0.2.1 RC2

Bernd Blaauw bblaauw at home.nl
Thu Feb 26 22:14:46 CET 2004

trying from inside Vmware and ReactOS (or FreeDOS)

I guess everything except the last step (replacing SYSTEM) can be done 
under ReactOS itself?
the "detect Vmware" program is public domain.

how's the hivesys.inf parsed? top-to-bottom? then my ECHO blabla >> 
hivesys.inf make no sense

@echo off
rem cdrom detection can be automated if wanted.
set cdrom=X:
rem http://chitchat.at.infoseek.co.jp/vmware/vmtools.html#top
if errorlevel 1 goto end
rem in Vmware now
if %cdrom%=="" goto end
set files=vmx_fd.dll vmx_mode.dll, vmx)svga.sys
set location=%cdrom%\progra~1\Drivers\Video\Winnt2k
goto loop2

echo please mount Program Files\Vmware\Windows.iso to provide ROS Vmware 
SVGA Driver
pause and press a key to continue to rescan for driver files.
goto loop2

for %%x in ( %files% ) do if not exist %location%\%%x goto loop1
goto continue

copy %location%\vmx_svga.sys c:\reactos\system32\drivers
copy %location%\vmx_mode.sys c:\reactos\system32
copy %location%\vmx_fb.sys   c:\reactos\system32

set registry=HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
rem put ini changes here, swaps load sequence for VGA driver and SVGA driver
echo %registry%\Vga","Start",0x00010001,0x00000004 >> c:\hivesys.inf
echo %registry%\vmx_svga","Start",0x00010001,0x00000001 >> c:\hivesys.inf
rem does this program run under DOS/ROS?
copy /y c:\SYSTEM reactos\system32\config

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