[ros-kernel] ros setup crash with map file details - please help

Royce Mitchell III royce3 at ev1.net
Thu Mar 18 07:48:22 CET 2004

tried to install latest cvs ros on vmware ( did cvs update last night ), 
and I get the following. (I hand copied it and attached screenshot in 
case there are transcription mistakes)

 ReactOS 0.2.2-CVS Setup

      The system is now making sure all data is stored on your disk

      This may take a minute
      When finished, your computer will reboot automatically

Bug detected (code 1e param 0 0 0 0)

Page Fault Exception: 14(2)
Processor: 0 CS:EIP 8:c017c3a5 <hal.dll: 53a5>
cr2 d0000472 cr3 5e64000 Proc: c1288860 Pid: 2 <SMSS> Thrd: c129a548 Tid: 17
DS 10 ES 10 FS 30 GS 10
EAX: d0000472   EBX: 00000010   ECX: 00000000
EDX: 00000000   EBP: ddb58f48   ESI: 00626f94
EDI: ddb58f84   EFLAGS: 00000286 kESP ddb58ecc kernel stack base ddb56000
Frames: <hal.dll: 5498> <ntoskrnl.exe: 20fb0> <ntoskrnl.exe: 33cc> 

Here are (hopefully) pertinent snippets of my map files. More below...

<hal.dll: 53a5>

00015390 <_HalReboot>:
   15390:    55                       push   %ebp
   15391:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
   15393:    83 ec 08                 sub    $0x8,%esp
   15396:    c7 45 f8 00 00 00 d0     movl   $0xd0000000,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
   1539d:    8b 45 f8                 mov    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax
   153a0:    05 72 04 00 00           add    $0x472,%eax
   153a5:    c6 00 34                 movb   $0x34,(%eax)
   153a8:    8b 45 f8                 mov    0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax
   153ab:    05 73 04 00 00           add    $0x473,%eax
   153b0:    c6 00 12                 movb   $0x12,(%eax)
   153b3:    fa                       cli   
   153b4:    83 ec 08                 sub    $0x8,%esp
   153b7:    6a 0b                    push   $0xb
   153b9:    6a 70                    push   $0x70
   153bb:    e8 82 ff ff ff           call   15342 <_WRITE_PORT_UCHAR at 8>
   153c0:    83 c4 08                 add    $0x8,%esp
   153c3:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp
   153c6:    6a 71                    push   $0x71
   153c8:    e8 d1 fe ff ff           call   1529e <_READ_PORT_UCHAR at 4>

<hal.dll: 5498>

00015465 <_HalReturnToFirmware at 4>:
   15465:    55                       push   %ebp
   15466:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
   15468:    83 ec 08                 sub    $0x8,%esp
   1546b:    83 7d 08 01              cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%ebp)
   1546f:    75 17                    jne    15488 
<_HalReturnToFirmware at 4+0x23>
   15471:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp
   15474:    68 48 54 01 00           push   $0x15448
   15479:    e8 92 18 00 00           call   16d10 <_DbgPrint>
   1547e:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp
   15481:    e8 aa 19 00 00           call   16e30 <_DbgBreakPoint at 0>
   15486:    eb 10                    jmp    15498 
<_HalReturnToFirmware at 4+0x33>
   15488:    83 7d 08 03              cmpl   $0x3,0x8(%ebp)
   1548c:    75 0a                    jne    15498 
<_HalReturnToFirmware at 4+0x33>
   1548e:    e8 62 d6 ff ff           call   12af5 
<_HalReleaseDisplayOwnership at 0>
   15493:    e8 f8 fe ff ff           call   15390 <_HalReboot>
   15498:    c9                       leave 
   15499:    c2 04 00                 ret    $0x4
   1549c:    90                       nop   
   1549d:    90                       nop   
   1549e:    90                       nop   
   1549f:    90                       nop   

<ntoskrnl.exe: 20fb0>

c0020f5c <_NtShutdownSystem at 4>:
c0020f5c:    55                       push   %ebp
c0020f5d:    89 e5                    mov    %esp,%ebp
c0020f5f:    83 ec 08                 sub    $0x8,%esp
c0020f62:    83 7d 08 02              cmpl   $0x2,0x8(%ebp)
c0020f66:    76 09                    jbe    c0020f71 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x15>
c0020f68:    c7 45 fc 0d 00 00 c0     movl   $0xc000000d,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
c0020f6f:    eb 58                    jmp    c0020fc9 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x6d>
c0020f71:    e8 8a 5a 01 00           call   c0036a00 
c0020f76:    e8 72 2d ff ff           call   c0013ced <_CmShutdownRegistry>
c0020f7b:    e8 9c e3 00 00           call   c002f31c 
c0020f80:    e8 6b d0 03 00           call   c005dff0 
c0020f85:    e8 8c f6 02 00           call   c0050616 
c0020f8a:    83 7d 08 00              cmpl   $0x0,0x8(%ebp)
c0020f8e:    75 10                    jne    c0020fa0 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x44>
c0020f90:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp
c0020f93:    6a 06                    push   $0x6
c0020f95:    e8 cb 9b 03 00           call   c005ab65 
c0020f9a:    83 c4 10                 add    $0x10,%esp
c0020f9d:    fa                       cli   
c0020f9e:    eb fe                    jmp    c0020f9e 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x42>
c0020fa0:    83 7d 08 01              cmpl   $0x1,0x8(%ebp)
c0020fa4:    75 0f                    jne    c0020fb5 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x59>
c0020fa6:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp
c0020fa9:    6a 03                    push   $0x3
c0020fab:    e8 30 f8 04 00           call   c00707e0 
<_HalReturnToFirmware at 4>
c0020fb0:    83 c4 0c                 add    $0xc,%esp
c0020fb3:    eb 0d                    jmp    c0020fc2 
<_NtShutdownSystem at 4+0x66>
c0020fb5:    83 ec 0c                 sub    $0xc,%esp
c0020fb8:    6a 01                    push   $0x1
c0020fba:    e8 21 f8 04 00           call   c00707e0 
<_HalReturnToFirmware at 4>
c0020fbf:    83 c4 0c                 add    $0xc,%esp
c0020fc2:    c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
c0020fc9:    8b 45 fc                 mov    0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax
c0020fcc:    c9                       leave 
c0020fcd:    c2 04 00                 ret    $0x4

<ntoskrnl.exe: 33cc>

c00033a4 <new_serviceInRange>:
c00033a4:    26 8b 0d fc ce 07 c0     mov    %es:0xc007cefc,%ecx
c00033ab:    26 8b 0c 81              mov    %es:(%ecx,%eax,4),%ecx
c00033af:    29 cc                    sub    %ecx,%esp
c00033b1:    89 e7                    mov    %esp,%edi
c00033b3:    fc                       cld   
c00033b4:    f3 a4                    repz movsb %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
c00033b6:    8e db                    mov    %ebx,%ds
c00033b8:    50                       push   %eax
c00033b9:    e8 02 fb ff ff           call   c0002ec0 <_KiSystemCallHook>
c00033be:    58                       pop    %eax
c00033bf:    26 8b 0d f0 ce 07 c0     mov    %es:0xc007cef0,%ecx
c00033c6:    26 8b 04 81              mov    %es:(%ecx,%eax,4),%eax
c00033ca:    ff d0                    call   *%eax
c00033cc:    89 ec                    mov    %ebp,%esp
c00033ce:    55                       push   %ebp
c00033cf:    50                       push   %eax
c00033d0:    e8 f0 fa ff ff           call   c0002ec5 
c00033d5:    83 c4 08                 add    $0x8,%esp
c00033d8:    eb 49                    jmp    c0003423 

static VOID
HalReboot (VOID)
    char data;
    BYTE *mem;

    /* enable warm reboot */
    mem = (BYTE *)(0xd0000000 + 0x0000);
//    mem = HalMapPhysicalMemory (0, 1);
    mem[0x472] = 0x34; // <<<<<<< THIS APPEARS TO BE THE LINE CRASHING...
    mem[0x473] = 0x12;

Hmm... the file hal/halx86/reboot.c hasn't changed since Decembers, so 
I'm at a loss of what might be causing the crash :(

Please help

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