[ros-diffs] [cfinck] 27816: Add a documentation, which describes the changes that need to be done to update the ReactOS Wiki. This should make it easier for the future.

cfinck at svn.reactos.org cfinck at svn.reactos.org
Wed Jul 25 23:59:15 CEST 2007

Author: cfinck
Date: Thu Jul 26 01:59:14 2007
New Revision: 27816

URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos?rev=27816&view=rev
Add a documentation, which describes the changes that need to be done to update the ReactOS Wiki.
This should make it easier for the future.

    trunk/documentation/web/wiki/ReactOS Wiki-Update.rtf

Added: trunk/documentation/web/wiki/ReactOS Wiki-Update.rtf
URL: http://svn.reactos.org/svn/reactos/trunk/documentation/web/wiki/ReactOS%20Wiki-Update.rtf?rev=27816&view=auto
--- trunk/documentation/web/wiki/ReactOS Wiki-Update.rtf (added)
+++ trunk/documentation/web/wiki/ReactOS Wiki-Update.rtf Thu Jul 26 01:59:14 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab708{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Helvetica;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset128 Courier;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset128 StarSymbol;}{\f4\fswiss\fcharset128 Helvetica;}}
+{\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}}
+{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\lang1031\b\f0\fs32 Documentation about the ReactOS Wiki-Update\par
+\pard\b0\i\fs24 written by Colin Finck (25-07-2007)\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\f1\fs28 Introduction\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\i0\f0\fs24 This documentation has been written to describe the Update process of the ReactOS Wiki (based on the MediaWiki software), so it is easier for the future.\par
+As an example, I take the Update from our previous MediaWiki 1.7.1 Software to the current version 1.10.0.\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\i\f1\fs28 Comparing the ReactOS Wiki to the original MediaWiki\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\i0\f0\fs24 The ReactOS Wiki was modified in some parts to integrate into the ReactOS Website Design and to allow an easy login through our Global Login System.\par
+Also some unneeded and non-working options were removed like changing the account information on the Wiki Preferences page (this has to be done on the myReactOS page) and selecting another skin (all skins except "roscms" were removed).\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\i\f1\fs28 Changes in the files\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\i0\f0\fs24 In both MediaWiki versions, these changes had to be done in the same files. Let's hope that this also applies to future versions :-)\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\f1\fs26 Integrating the Wiki into the Global Login System\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\f0 These changes have to be done in the following files:\par
+\pard\fi-360\li720\sa120\u9679?\tab\b includes/SpecialUserlogin.php\b0\par
+\pard\li710\sa120 Here we only need the function "wfSpecialUserlogin", so the first step is to delete everything below this function from the file.\par
+Then remove the lines in the function, which create the MediaWiki Login Form. Replace them with the following lines:\par
+\f2 $target = "/wiki";\par
+roscms_subsys_login('wiki', ROSCMS_LOGIN_REQUIRED, $target);\par
+/* We should never end up here, but in case we do... */\par
+header("Location: $target");\par
+\pard\li710\sa120\f0\fs24 Also you need to add a "\f2\fs16 require_once( '../roscms/inc/subsys_login.php' );\f0\fs24 " line to the top of the file, so the Global Login System functions will be available.\par
+This is already everything needed for the Login page.\par
+\pard\fi-360\li720\sa120\b\f3\fs18\'81\'9c\tab\f0\fs24 includes/SpecialUserlogout.php\par
+\pard\li709\sa120\b0 This file also just requires minor changes.\par
+\pard\li710 Look for a line, which contains the text "\f2\fs16 UserLogoutComplete\f4\fs24 ". The lines after this line are specific to the MediaWiki Login System, so they have to be removed.\f0\par
+\f4 Replace them with the following line:\f0\par
+\pard\li709\sa120\f2 header("Location: /roscms/?page=logout");\par
+\pard\li709\sa120\f4\fs24 The RosCMS Logout page then does the rest for you.\par
+\pard Now the Wiki should already work with our Global Login System. When you use the MediaWiki Login feature, you will be redirected to the ReactOS Login page. The same applies to the Logout button.\f0\par
+\pard\sa120\b\f4\fs26 Integrating the Wiki into the Website Design\par
+\b0\fs24 For this case, I created an own MediaWiki skin based on the MonoBook skin. It is called "roscms".\par
+\pard You don't need to update the skin every time when you update MediaWiki. In this case, I updated the skin, because our former skin was still based on the MonoBook skin from MediaWiki 1.5.x.\f0\par
+\f4 First add a reference to the "/style.css" file, which contains all the styles of the ReactOS Website.\f0\par
+\f4 Then remove the MonoBook "portlets" from the original MonoBook skin. Replace them with links to the main ReactOS pages and individual links to some Wiki pages like Login, Logout, My page, My contributions, etc. Make sure that these links are placed before the "globalWrapper" box. Look in the "RosCMS.php" file of the skin how I did it here.\f0\par
+\f4 Now place a "wikiContent" box around the "globalWrapper" box. In the "main.css" file of the skin, you have to add "#wikiContent" in front of some styles, so these styles only apply to the Wiki content and not to the rest of the web page.\f0\par
+\f4 The "main.css" file also needs to be edited. Especially the positions of "#content" and "#p-cactions" need to be adjusted, so the Wiki content is displayed next to the menus.\f0\par
+\f4 Now you can do some additional adjustments. Try the skin on multiple browsers and if there are problems, change the CSS files appropriately.\f0\par
+\pard\sa120\b\f4\fs26 Changing the Preferences page\par
+\b0\fs24 The last file changes have to be done in the "includes/SpecialPreferences.php" page. Here we disable the some functions, namely changing the E-Mail address, real name, password, signature and the used skin.\par
+\pard Simply put \f2\fs16 /*\f4\fs24  before and \f2\fs16 */\f4\fs24  after the sections, which add the input fields for these values and also do this for the sections, which set these values.\f0\par
+\f4 To find out the right sections, it's the best if you compare the current "SpecialPreferences.php" file with the original MediaWiki 1.10.0 "SpecialPreferences.php" file.\f0\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\i\f4\fs28 Final fine-tuning\f1\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\i0\f4\fs24 Finally, you can remove some files, which are not needed now.\f0\par
+\f4 These files include the other skins and some directories, which are not required for MediaWiki to work (like the "tests" directory).\f0\par
+\pard\keepn\sb240\sa120\b\i\f4\fs28 Changes in other components\f1\par
+\pard\sa120\b0\i0\f4\fs24 In some cases, you also have to make changes to other components.\f0\par
+\f4 Some examples:\f0\par
+\pard\fi-360\li720\sa120\b\f3\fs18\'81\'9c\tab\f4\fs24 MediaWiki's database layout changed\f0\par
+\pard\li709\sa120\b0\f4 If the database layout of the Wiki changed in some main parts, the roscms/inc/subsys_wiki.php file probably needs an update to reflect the database changes.\f0\par
+\pard\fi-360\li720\sa120\b\f3\fs18\'81\'9c\tab\f4\fs24 There are login or session problems\f0\par
+\pard\li709\sa120\b0\f4 In such cases, you often have to change the roscms/inc/subsys_login.php file.\par
+While updating MediaWiki from version 1.7.1 to 1.10.0, I also had to make changes here as newer MediaWiki versions require that a session is set up for working properly.\f0\par

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