Result Details

Information about this Result
Test Suite: kernel32:actctx
Total Tests: 554
Failed Tests: 38
Skipped Tests: 0
Todo Tests: 0
Time: 0s
Diff to previous runSide by side Side by side (no debug) Inline (no debug)
WARNING:  RtlSetUnhandledExceptionFilter at lib\rtl\exception.c:186 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
WARNING:  LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions at dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:1311 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
(ntoskrnl\ps\query.c:1268) Unsupported or unimplemented: 22
(dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:1932) Querying app compat hacks is missing!
WARNING:  LdrpRunInitializeRoutines at dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:723 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
actctx.c:672: wrong_manifest1
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1517) failed to parse manifest C:\ReactOS\bad.manifest
actctx.c:674: wrong_manifest2
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1517) failed to parse manifest C:\ReactOS\bad.manifest
actctx.c:676: wrong_manifest3
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1401) unknown attr test=test
actctx.c:624: Test failed: handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
actctx.c:625: Test failed: GetLastError == 0
actctx.c:678: wrong_manifest4
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1487) unknown element test
actctx.c:624: Test failed: handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
actctx.c:625: Test failed: GetLastError == 0
actctx.c:680: wrong_manifest5
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1524) unexpected element test
actctx.c:682: wrong_manifest6
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1394) wrong namespace urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v5
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1517) failed to parse manifest C:\ReactOS\bad.manifest
actctx.c:684: wrong_manifest7
actctx.c:624: Test failed: handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
actctx.c:625: Test failed: GetLastError == 0
actctx.c:686: wrong_manifest8
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:1517) failed to parse manifest C:\ReactOS\bad.manifest
actctx.c:688: UTF-16 manifest1 without BOM
actctx.c:690: manifest2
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=testdep version= arch=x86
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2084) Could not find dependent assembly testdep
actctx.c:692: manifest2+depmanifest1
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=testdep version= arch=x86
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2084) Could not find dependent assembly testdep
actctx.c:910: default actctx
actctx.c:926: manifest1
actctx.c:932: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:932: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:932: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:932: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
actctx.c:951: manifest2 depmanifest1
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=testdep version= arch=x86
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2084) Could not find dependent assembly testdep
actctx.c:591: Test failed: handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, error 14001
actctx.c:969: manifest2 depmanifest2
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=testdep version= arch=x86
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2084) Could not find dependent assembly testdep
actctx.c:591: Test failed: handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, error 14001
actctx.c:992: manifest2 depmanifest3
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=testdep version= arch=x86
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2084) Could not find dependent assembly testdep
actctx.c:591: Test failed: handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, error 14001
actctx.c:1022: manifest3
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2212) Unknown section_kind 64
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2212) Unknown section_kind 64
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2685) invalid parameter
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2685) invalid parameter
actctx.c:1033: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1033: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1033: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:1033: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
actctx.c:1039: Test failed: wrong data 8211456,0,8211488,1,4
actctx.c:1040: Test failed: wrong data 8211456,0,8211488,1,4
actctx.c:845: Test failed: GetLastError()=14007
actctx.c:850: Test failed: GetLastError()=14007
actctx.c:1048: manifest4
(lib\rtl\actctx.c:2009) looking for name=Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls version= arch=x86
actctx.c:1060: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1060: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1060: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:1060: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
actctx.c:1066: manifest1 in subdir
actctx.c:1079: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1079: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1079: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:1079: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
actctx.c:1089: UTF-16 manifest1, with BOM
actctx.c:1099: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1099: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1099: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:1099: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
actctx.c:1104: UTF-16 manifest1, reverse endian, with BOM
actctx.c:1114: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1114: Test failed: size=132, expected 124
actctx.c:1114: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=15, expected 11
actctx.c:1114: Test failed: unexpected detailed_info->lpAppDirPath
WARNING:  RtlSetUnhandledExceptionFilter at lib\rtl\exception.c:186 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
WARNING:  LdrpInitializeExecutionOptions at dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:1311 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
(ntoskrnl\se\semgr.c:299) SidInToken Calls: 60000
(ntoskrnl\ps\query.c:1268) Unsupported or unimplemented: 22
(dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:1932) Querying app compat hacks is missing!
WARNING:  LdrpRunInitializeRoutines at dll\ntdll\ldr\ldrinit.c:723 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
(subsystems\win32\csrss\csrsrv\api\wapi.c:115) CSR: received hard error c0000144
actctx.c:1126: child process manifest1
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: QueryActCtx succeeded
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: GetLastError() = 203
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: size=48, expected 172
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: size=48, expected 172
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulFormatVersion=0, expected 1
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAssemblyCount=0, expected between 1 and 1
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulRootManifestPathType=0, expected 2
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulRootManifestPathChars=0, expected 45
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulRootConfigurationPathType=0, expected 1
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathType=0, expected 2
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->ulAppDirPathChars=0, expected 15
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->lpRootManifestPath == NULL
actctx.c:1133: Test failed: detailed_info->lpAppDirPath == NULL
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: GetLastError() = 87
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: size=0, expected 254
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: QueryActCtx failed: 87
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: size=0, expected 254
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulEncodedAssemblyIdentityLength = 8192460, expected 80
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulManifestPathType = 10018f
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulManifestPathLength = 234881026, expected 90
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulPolicyPathType = 10018d
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulPolicyPathLength = 2, expected 0
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulManifestVersionMajor = 0
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulManifestVersionMinor = 10018a
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulPolicyVersionMajor = e000007
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulPolicyVersionMinor = 7d01cc
actctx.c:1134: Test failed: info->ulAssemblyDirectoryNameLength != 0
WARNING:  MmLockPageableDataSection at ntoskrnl\mm\ARM3\drvmgmt.c:62 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
WARNING:  MmUnlockPageableImageSection at ntoskrnl\mm\ARM3\drvmgmt.c:39 is UNIMPLEMENTED!
actctx: child process wait failed
actctx: 1 failures in child process
actctx: 554 tests executed (0 marked as todo, 38 failures), 0 skipped.

Information about the associated Test
Revision: 52446
Date: 2011-06-24 23:22
Source: Trunk_x86_GCCWin (VBox)
Platform: ReactOS - i386
Comment: Build 1818