Build Environment

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To build ReactOS you will need a suitable build environment. As the current ReactOS Source Code is only compatible with specific versions of the compiler tools, only the official ReactOS Build Environment (RosBE) is supported. If you want to report problems, please first make sure that you use the latest version of the ReactOS Build Environment.

Download the Build Environment

There are two ReactOS Build Environments available, a version for Windows NT-compatible operating systems (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, etc.) and a version for Unix-compatible operating systems (Linux, FreeBSD, etc.).


ReactOS Build Environment for Windows NT-compatible OS
Version 2.2.1

Template:RosBE64-Windows-Version.exe AMD64 Addon - Version Template:RosBE64-Windows-Version   |   ARM Addon - Version 1.0



ReactOS Build Environment for Unix-compatible Operating Systems
Version 2.2.1

For older versions, please visit the ReactOS SourceForge project page.

System Requirements


Please look at the README file for detailed information about the needed packages and other requirements.

Next Steps

A Subversion client is needed to obtain the current source from the ReactOS Subversion repository (read that page for more information). For newer Build Environments on Windows (0.3.7+), go into the empty ".\Source" directory and type "ssvn create" to download the ReactOS source.

After setting up your build environment, see Building ReactOS for further information.

Included Utilities

All these Information can be found in RosBE, too by typing "help".


Small command which immediately sets you back to the ReactOS Source Base Directory.


Change the Architecture to build ReactOS for, for the current RosBE session. Possible Architectures are right now:

  • i386
  • amd64


Change the ReactOS source directory for the current RosBE session.

  • previous: Switch to the previous ReactOS source directory.


Usage: chdefgcc [PATH] [TYPE] Change the MinGW/GCC directory for the current RosBE session.

  • Path: Path to set the Host or Target GCC to.
  • Type: Set it to "target" or "host"


Usage: raddr2line [FILE] [ADDRESS] Translates program addresses into file names and line numbers to assist developers with finding specific bugs in ReactOS. If either of the options is not given you will be prompted for it.

  • FILE: This can be either a fully specified path or just the file name [you can use a partial name ie. ntdll*] of the executable to be analyzed. When using just a file the current directory and all sub-directories are searched.
  • ADDRESS: The address to be translated.


Simple utility for managing different directory locations. SCUT can be used to quickly change from one directory to another inside the BE prompt, making it easier to go to source in another directory. Included in both the Windows and Unix BEs. You can pass the following parameters to scut:

  • list: Lists all shortcuts currently available.
  • add: Adds a shortcut to the list.
  • edit: Edits a shortcut on the list.
  • rem: Removes a shortcut from the list.
  • def: Switches to the default directory location, which is enabled on every start of RosBE.

If you want to use a directory shortcut, for example one with the name trunk, just enter scut trunk and the program will switch to the directory you set for this shortcut.


Windows ONLY. Creates, updates or cleans up your ReactOS source tree or shows the revision number of the local and online trees.

  • update: Updates to HEAD revision or to a specific one when the second parameter specifies one.
  • create: Creates a new ReactOS source tree.
  • rosapps: Creates a new ReactOS RosApps source tree.
  • rostests: Creates a new ReactOS RosTests source tree.
  • cleanup: Cleans up and fixes errors in the source tree.
  • status: Show the current local and online revision numbers.


Windows ONLY. Updates all files of RosBE to the most recent files.

  • delete X: Deletes Update Nr X.
  • info X: Shows info about Update Nr X.
  • nr X: Re/Installs Update Nr X.
  • reset: Removes the Updates Cache. Not recommended.
  • status: Shows the recent status of available, non installed updates.

Questions or Problems?

If you have problems or questions concerning the Build Environment, it's the best to ask in the #reactos-rosbe IRC channel.

Otherwise you can also try to contact Daniel Reimer (Windows version), Colin Finck (Unix version) directly.