[ros-dev] Git Migration: The documentation, rossubsys and wallpapers directories

Hermès BÉLUSCA-MAÏTO hermes.belusca at sfr.fr
Fri Sep 8 12:27:08 UTC 2017


> * Commits to "documentation" never had a relation to "reactos" commits, so
> nothing is lost if we put that directory into a separate repo
> "documentation.git" and remove all traces to it from the history of
> "reactos.git". I'd go this way if there are no objections.
Yeah, I see that as a separate "project" (documentation), separated from the ROS source.

> * I don't get the idea of that "rossubsys" directory created in 2014..
> These subsystems are all stubs, never built with modern ReactOS, and no
> work has happened since "reviving" them. I would just go and remove them
> again. You can always find them in our repository history.
As long as they can be found easily in the history, then ok. Alternatively, as a separate "project" they can be found... (the "reactos" github account can have other repos I suppose?)

> * The "wallpapers" directory is a harder candidate.
> On the one hand, we don't want to bloat our ReactOS builds by including
> wallpapers in every build. Also the number of wallpapers may increase in the
> future, which could bloat the "reactos.git" repo even more.
> On the other hand, the wallpapers have always accompanied our release
> branches, so there is a value of having them tracked next to our code.
Again, same, it's some heavy multimedia thingie.

> But then again, how are they picked
> up by the build process in the future if we can't check them out into a
> subdirectory of "modules"?
The builder(s) can have a "working" directory, in which they check-out the different "projects" they need for the build: reactos source can be DL'ed into "working/reactos.git" ; the wallpapers, rostests etc... can be DL'ed into "working/rostests" and "working/wallpapers", then symlinks (OK on *nix & windows) into the "working/reactos.git/modules" can be created that point to "working/wallpapers" and "working/rostests" , and then we build as usual ?


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