Funny ROS IRC moments

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#reactos chat channel has many funny moments, when you encounter one feel free to contribute to this archive

<GreatLord> Let me put it like this: If there is a country on this planet where it'd be illegal to even *use*GPL software without having fully read, understood and accepted the license (which again is a *distribution*license), I wouldn't mind blackholing that country.

<arty> you can't just touch it's guts from userland .... Sounds 100% random

<encoded> hallowed are the ORI!

<Coviti> I had to use MSYS recently
<Coviti> And a build tool called "jam"
<Coviti> lol
<tamlin> What, did it jam?

<EmuandCo> What exactly does [STRIP] do as 3rd process on PE executable build?
<BrandonTurner> strip the symbols?
<BrandonTurner> just a guess though
<Alex_Ionescu> it makes ros be
<Alex_Ionescu> LEAN AND MEAN
<Alex_Ionescu> lol
<EmuandCo> w000t
<EmuandCo> ;-)
<EmuandCo> Mean is true, it does not even install
<Alex_Ionescu> not my fault

<Vampyre> linus is a kernel
<Vampyre> linux*
<JernejL> lol

<w3seek> well I don't like the idea of reinventing the wheel yet another time
<JernejL> but every timr you reinvent the wheel.. you make something better ;)
<Fireball> heh
<JernejL> *time
<Fireball> evrytime you reinvent the wheel, you claim copyright
<Fireball> jkjkjk
<w3seek> lol

<JernejL> AUSTIN, TX - A University of Texas scientist has grown a living "brain" that can control the video game Quake 3: Arena made by id Software, allowing scientists to study how brain cells compute and deal with sensory input.
<arty> holy cow
<arty> wow its a positronic brain like in asimov
<JernejL> yea
<JernejL> like data from star trek
<encoded> can reactos run on it?

<Vampyre> would the pizzeria be open allready at 11 in the mornig?
<encoded> yeah
<*Vampyre> will go check :-p
<*encoded> fiddles with his guitar at 4am
<encoded> nite dralnix|zZz
<encoded> wait! its 5am already
<encoded> i hate tilting my head 1/2 an inch to look at the time...
<Vampyre> encoded, you lied!
<Vampyre> they were closed

<encoded> good thing its 6pm
<encoded> so...
<*encoded> continues
<encoded> lolololololololol
<encoded> lolercoaster!
<*tamlin> imagines he could also say "lolercoaster" after way too much beer sometime. :-)
<encoded> lolerskates
<Coviti> lols royce
<encoded> lol
<Coviti> (Don't give the Uncyclopedia link)
<encoded> haha
<JernejL> lollercopter
<SamB> shouldn't it be lols loyce, in proper engrish?
<SamB> no wait...
<SamB> it would be lors loyce...
<JernejL> lol
<SamB> well, maybe it depends.

<*joshin> wonders which if MSVC can compile GCC or for that matter if GCC could compile MSVC
<encoded> thats a horrible question
<joshin> 2:1 odds that someone here is going to try it soon
<encoded> it sure aint gonna be me
<joshin> I'd go ask the question in #gcc but they'd probably send Stallman to my house to talk me to death

<encoded> i think they are all dead joshin
<joshin> Nah, just recursively rebuilding themselves.
<joshin> There's a Gentoo joke in there somewhere too.

<Alex_Ionescu> lol
<Alex_Ionescu> i love windbg's help
<Alex_Ionescu> "This command has a fairly complicated syntax. "
<Alex_Ionescu> The reason this will fail is that the MASM expression evaluator sign-extends registers whose high bit equals one. So when eax has the value 0xC0004321, it will be treated as 0xFFFFFFFF`C0004321 in computations — even though eax will still be displayed as 0xC0004321. However, the numeral 0xc0004321 is sign extended in kernel mode, but not in user mode. Therefore the command as shown above will not work properly in user mode.
<Alex_Ionescu> The best practice is to develop a habit of formulating your commands defensively against sign extension in both modes. In this case, you can do this by masking the high bits of a 32-bit register by ANDing it with 0x00000000`FFFFFFFF, and masking the high bits of a numeric constant by including a grave accent (`) in its syntax. So the following command will work properly in user mode and kernel mode:
<Alex_Ionescu> W
<Alex_Ionescu> T
<Alex_Ionescu> F
<arty> alex: wow that's pretty silly
<arty> why not just choose sign extend or not
<arty> or have a .set sign-extend (0|1)
<arty> even PPC assemblers have a 'high adjust' which when used with 'low' decoration nullifies sign extension on immediates
<Alex_Ionescu> well windbg has two modes
<Alex_Ionescu> C++ and MASM
<Alex_Ionescu> you can just use C++
<Alex_Ionescu> that one isn't braindead
<arty> heh i see
<Alex_Ionescu> (expression evaluators i mean)

<Alex_Ionescu> arty: i have a cd-crack for reactos 0.2.8 and the keygen, interested?
<WaxDragon> rofl
<arty> j3s d00d ... g1v3 n0\\/

<JernejL> i think cpl applets > winlogon
<Alex_Ionescu> lol!
<Alex_Ionescu> yeah and paint > kernel
<JernejL> yes
<JernejL> hey, paint got promoted with windows 2000, it is now in system folder
<JernejL> before it was in program files/accesories
<Alex_Ionescu> yeah in vista it's going to be renamed to painkrnl.exe

<Bizzeh> anyone use kdevelop?
<GreatLord> once I did use it
<GreatLord> when I tested linux long time ago
<GreatLord> it did seam pretty good
<*encoded> gets the shootgun ready
<encoded> stay away

<kjk_hyperion> hey, smile
<kjk_hyperion> you're screwed

<myria> our IT staff forces us to run a dumb program called "cisco security agent"
<kjk_hyperion> oh lord
<myria> and it likes to hook ntdll exports
<kjk_hyperion> OH LORD

<Alex_Ionescu> are you blind?
<kjk_hyperion> I'm paranoid and you are misunderstood

<Brezenbak> either network control panel uses an undocumented function or it should shows random incremented numbers :-)

<GPLGeek> oh I use firefox.
<GPLGeek> it's like being in a tank
<GPLGeek> you can even windowsupdate with firefox lol
<WaxDragon> I use Mozilla on linux, it's like being on another planet.

<Wierd_w> I still hate cygwin
<WaxDragon> I've learned to hate it.
<WaxDragon> from all of you
<Wierd_w> I hated it the moment I laid eyes on it.

<Bizzeh> is it good or bad to eat fish before you go to sleep
<Alex_Ionescu> bad
<*Harteex^Kullavik> ( has joined #reactos
<*kjk_hyperion> has quit (Nick collision from services.)
<*kjk_hyperion> (n=kjkhyp@reactos/developer/kjk-hyperion) has joined #reactos
<*ChanServ> gives channel operator status to kjk_hyperion
<*Quip> (n=d@ has joined #reactos
<*ChanServ> gives voice to Quip
<*kjk_hyperion> has quit (Nick collision from services.)
<*kjk_hyperion> (n=kjkhyp@reactos/developer/kjk-hyperion) has joined #reactos
<*ChanServ> gives channel operator status to kjk_hyperion
<Bizzeh> thought so

<menn> plan c is heavier on replacement of parts than auditing, but as far as i can see it's a modification of plan b - plan c does not exist. this is not the droid youre looking for. we can go now.

<Bizzeh> wooo
<Bizzeh> found the midi of "the hustle" again :D
<*Bizzeh> sets and ring tone

<ScoTTie:> the history of unix looks pretty complicated
<Bizzeh:> the future of unix looks pretty dead

<encoded:> in soviet russia the system loops YOU back
<encoded:> "In Soviet Russia: suicide commits YOU!!"
<encoded:> "In Zombie Russia, Brain eats YOU!!"

<Bizzeh> if i do a CloseHandle on a thread handle, will it just stop the thread from executing, even if its caught in a loop?
<blight_> Bizzeh: no
<blight_> you gotta ExitThread or TerminateThread or something like thise
<Alexie> no, what you need is the Terminator API with Arnold Schwarzenegger starring.
<crashfourit> lol

<GedMurphy> is msvc not a bit over picky about warnings now.
<GedMurphy> It even warns me if I forget to brush my teeth now
<Fireball> that's good - it keeps your teeth in good condition
<GedMurphy> hehe
<Fireball> :-)
<filip2307> dentists are crazy...
<GedMurphy> my teeth are fine, and I'm a grown man now. Our MSVC config is worse than my mother
<*filip2307> 's mother is a dentist...
<GedMurphy> filip2307: she'd love our new config then ;)

<GedMurphy> anyone seen this error before :
<GedMurphy> [RBUILD]
<GedMurphy> make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc0000005, addr = 0x4fe7c0)
<Talley> I have similar make segfaults on windows
<arty> sounds like unchecked pointer in rbuild
<GedMurphy> it was fine last night
<GedMurphy> strange
<sedwards_> maybe rbuild has a y2k5.12.13 bug
<GedMurphy> heh

<sedwards> all things being equal all this bad news has been good for us
<sedwards> we have more people in here on avarage than before
<Bizzeh> you do know their all here cos they think they are getting windows source code
<Fireball> yeah
<Bizzeh> and think their getting one over on ms
<sedwards> good =)
<Bizzeh> thats why everyone wants the code the nanosecond they get in here

<arty> blight: how'd the board making go?
<blight_> arty: i still dont have all the parts which i need ;)
<blight_> gotta order them first
<JernejL> making your own motherboard?
<blight_> lol, no, just a simple microcontroller testing/programming board
<JernejL> make something leet
<blight_> i'm not so good at electronics ;)
<blight_> i can at most make leet software ;)
<*silverblade> struggles with making a small file server work the way he wants... because he doesnt how the way he wants it
<Phonica> lol

<encoded> commit for the love of God!
<*Zao> commits to the love of encoded
<encoded> :)

<encoded:> i should make a 4gb virus that only fits on dvds
<encoded:> and call it reactos
<encoded:> it will install itself and substituted windows
<Jernej:> encoded: that would be fun indeed
<Supaplex:> I thought encoded was talking about vista for a minute. heh
<Jernej:> but what are you going to put onto dvd to fill the rest 4 GB? i suggest bundle reactos with porn, so they will never have to browse the dark pages on the internets with MSIE exploits
<fRy2oo5:> maybe an application, that creates new porn
<fRy2oo5:> and some data it needs to create the porn...
<blight_:> porn sucks
<Jernej:> like random seed number
<fRy2oo5:> something like that
<encoded:> lol
<Davy:> lol
<encoded:> random porn generator
<blight_:> porn sucks
<blight_:> lol
<Jernej:> reactos porn
<fRy2oo5:> lol

<JernejL> Alex_Ionescu is the king when it comes to kernel code
<Jack98> king kernel
<GedMurphy> king kong judging from our recent discovery
<mf> where's your ring 0, king kernel~~
<mf> GedMurphy: more liek king dong m i rite
<GedMurphy> heh
<Jack98> ?
<GedMurphy> <wierd_w> 2in/.25in 8in surface... ouch.
<GedMurphy> <wierd_w> Alex, are you a mountain gorilla?
<GedMurphy> lol
<Jack98> lol
<JernejL> Alex_Ionescu is the lord of the ring (0)
<mick_laptop> haha:

<*arty> sewing
... a lot of lines removed ...
<*arty> repaired the pocket
<arty> now just the lining and 2 buttons are left

<kjk_hyperion> someone please DELETE the POSIX subsystem already
<kjk_hyperion> it's BROKEN
<kjk_hyperion> it CANNOT work
<kjk_hyperion> it's wrong in CONCEPT
<encoded> kjk dont you have commit access?
<kjk_hyperion> yes but I'm lazy
<JernejL> why delete it?
<JernejL> freeze it
<kjk_hyperion> I'm the author of that piece of shit
<JernejL> ok then delete it
<WaxyD> lol @ kjk
<kjk_hyperion> because it gives the illusion that we have a POSIX subsystem
<JernejL> will deleting it break anything?
<kjk_hyperion> no
<encoded> svn delete -> commit its nt thathard
<kjk_hyperion> nothing uses it
<kjk_hyperion> it isn't in the build
<kjk_hyperion> it isn't on the CD
<dralnix> is it that 'posix' dir above the reactos dir?
<kjk_hyperion> yes
<JernejL> dont delete it
<JernejL> it isnt posix at all
<JernejL> it is the secret porn branch
<kjk_hyperion> BUSTED
<*kjk_hyperion> disappears in a cloud of smoke!

<JernejL> so, drG4njubas hasnt introduced yet :/
<crashfourit> [pin drop sound]

<dralnix> GedMurphy: although I do agree it was a way of life for some (star wars) me and my friends used to base skill levels for things on Jedi levels :)
<GedMurphy> I am a Jedi, I'm still known as a Gedi by some people ..... lol
<GedMurphy> I dropped Christianity to follow he Jedi faith :)
<GedMurphy> *the

<dralnix> man keyboards are gross
<dralnix> I think mine is growing
<JernejL> wtf
<JernejL> was it made in china or korea?

<Brezenbak> bugzilla is nice if the bugs were put in the right category/component
<dralnix> asking users for bug reports is like asking a plumber to perform surgery on your cat
<encoded_> dralnix, dont you sleep?

<kjk_hyperion> every website about a software should have a huge "DOWNLOAD" button in bright colors
<kjk_hyperion> and screenshots
<kjk_hyperion> look at Firefox, look at Opera
<GedMurphy> look at ReactOS  :)
<kjk_hyperion> "o< HONK HONK HONK o< DOWNLOAD HERE HONK o<"
<kjk_hyperion> whoever makes you go through a list of versions...
<JernejL> lol
<kjk_hyperion> a list of platforms...
<kjk_hyperion> a list of languages...
<kjk_hyperion> a list of mirrors...
<kjk_hyperion> hates you
<kjk_hyperion> it should be fucking obvious
<kjk_hyperion> version? latest stable
<kjk_hyperion> platform & language? my browser tells you that
<kjk_hyperion> mirror? whois my IP and pick the closest
<kjk_hyperion> or just a random one
<kjk_hyperion> it should be obvious
<kjk_hyperion> have you noticed the big honking "download" buttons on sourceforge?
<kjk_hyperion> still too many steps involved, though
<JernejL> i bet you like fileplanet kjk_hyperion, dont you? :P
<kjk_hyperion> AAAAH
<kjk_hyperion> AAAAAH
<kjk_hyperion> AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
<kjk_hyperion> don't ever do that again
<kjk_hyperion> I LOATHE FilePlanet
<kjk_hyperion> "doesn't our service suck? yes it does, we especially designed it to"
<kjk_hyperion> "now why don't you shell out some money?"
<kjk_hyperion> BitTorrent, idiots
<kjk_hyperion> don't they have their own client too?
<kjk_hyperion> they could just turn it into a BitTorrent client, save on hosting and keep the same prices
<kjk_hyperion> but they are idiots
<kjk_hyperion> anyway
<JernejL> i think we all got the point by now ;)
<kjk_hyperion> no, what I really care about is huge download button that does the right thing upfront

  • Now talking on #reactos
  • Topic for #reactos is: Official ReactOS Channel - In Soviet Russia, ReactOS audits YOU!
  • Topic for #reactos set by Alex_Ionescu at Thu Mar 16 15:16:58 2006

<mf> That's your misconception nr. 1. ReactOS will be mature for the desktop before it reaches a state to be interesting for companies (missing official support professionals is quite a problem for one). So the "target audience" is power users that want to get rid of their WinXP and probably already have some limited Linux experience. And as long as your powerpoint presentation is flashy enough the logo won't interest those corporate suits one bit. If IBM can interest them in a fat penguin, then we can interest them in a boring atom.