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On the x86 platform:

highest +-------------+ STACK BASE
address |             |
        |             |
   |    |  FPU save   |   the user-mode FPU context is flushed here whenever
 p |    |    area     |<- necessary. The base address of this area is a fixed
 u |    |             |   offset from the user-mode trap frame (see below)
 s |    |             |
 h |    |             |
   |    |-------------|
   v    |  V86 segm.  |<- the stack pointer for ring 0 in the V86 TSS points
        |  selectors  |   here. Upon entering ring 0, the CPU first pushes the
        |             |   V86 segments, then the usual EFLAGS and CS:EIP
        |             |
        |             |
        |   EFLAGS,   |<- the stack pointer for ring 0 in the TSS points here.
        |   CS:EIP    |   Upon entering ring 0, the CPU pushes EFLAGS and
        |             |   CS:EIP starting from here
        |             |
        |             |
        |             |
        |   ring 3    |
        |   context   |<- the trap frame is built by the trap handlers. It also
        |             |   (conceptually) includes the registers pushed by the
        |             |   CPU as part of a trap (V86 segments, EFLAGS, etc.).
        |             |   See the definition of the KTRAP_FRAME structure for
        |             |   reference
        .             .
        .             .
        .             .
        |             |
        |             |<- the USER-MODE TRAP FRAME begins here. Since all the
        |-------------|   structures above have a fixed size, this address is a
        |             |   fixed offset from the stack base (there is no other
        |             |   way to retrieve this pointer than adding said fixed
        .             .   offset to the stack base, in fact)
        .             .
        .             .
        |             |   Nested trap scenario (think system call):
        |             |
        |             |<- the CPU begins pushing EFLAGS and CS:EIP from here.
        |             |   No need to use the stack pointer in the TSS because
        .             .   we didn't change the current ring. The trap handler
        .             .   finishes building the trap frame as usual
        .             .
        |             |
        |             |<- the CURRENT TRAP FRAME begins here. The current
        |-------------|   thread's TrapFrame is updated to point here, and the
        |             |   previous value is stored in TrapFrame->Edx
        |             |
        |             |
        |             |
        |             |
lowest  |             |
address +-------------+ STACK LIMIT