Techwiki:Performance Counter Indexes

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This information was compiled by dumping the Performance Registry Text and Help Text hives and then crosslisted with Technet's documentation on Windows 2003 performance counters. The primary issue with the listings provided in the Text hive is there is nothing to distinguish between indexes that represent a block of performance counters versus individual performance counters. As such, this listing does not go in numerical order and instead groups performance counters into their respective blocks. System indexes appear to at least have been hardcoded.

Performance Counter Object Name Index Value Number of Counters Instances
Processor 238 15 # of CPUs + 1
Performance Counter Name Index Value Counter Type Byte Offset
% Processor Time 6 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER_INV 8
% User Time 142 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 16
% Privileged Time 144 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 24
Interrupts/sec 148 PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER 32
% DPC Time 696 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 40
% Interrupt Time 698 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 48
DPCs Queued/sec 1334 PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER 56
% Idle Time 1746 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 64
% C1 Time 1748 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 72
% C2 Time 1750 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 80
% C3 Time 1752 PERF_100NSEC_TIMER 88
C1 Transitions/sec 1754 PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT 96
C2 Transitions/sec 1756 PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT 104
C3 Transitions/sec 1758 PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT 112