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:Points to the next HASHBUCKET in the same slot. Newer buckets are inserted before older buckets, so the ulTime value of the bucket that this member points to is smaller than this bucket's ulTime.

Revision as of 17:30, 4 August 2011

HASHBUCKET pool tag = 'Ghab', FONTHASH = 'Ghas'

typedef enum _FONT_HASH_TYPE
    FHT_FACE = 0,
    FHT_FAMILY = 1,
    FHT_UFI = 2,

typedef struct _HASHBUCKET
    struct _HASHBUCKET * pbktCollision; // 000
    PFELINK *    ppfelEnumHead;         // 004 -> 'Glnk'
    PFELINK *    ppfelEnumTail;         // 008
    ULONG        cTrueType;             // 00c
    FLONG        fl;                    // 014
    struct _HASHBUCKET * pbktPrev;      // 018
    struct _HASHBUCKET * pbktNext;      // 01c
    ULONG        ulTime;                // 020
    union                               // 024
        WCHAR             wcCapName[x];   // = "SYSTEM"
        UNIVERSAL_FONT_ID ufi;
    } u;


Points to the next HASHBUCKET in the same slot. Newer buckets are inserted before older buckets, so the ulTime value of the bucket that this member points to is smaller than this bucket's ulTime.


A counter that is incremented for each new HASHBUCKET. FONTHASH::pbktFirst has a value of 0, FONTHASH::pbktLast has the highest value.


Pointer to the previous HASHBUCKET, NULL if this is the first


Pointer to the next HASHBUCKET, NULL if this is the last


String of upcased font name.

typedef struct
    DWORD id;               // 000 := 0x48534148 = 'HASH'
    FONT_HASH_TYPE fht;     // 004
    ULONG cBuckets;         // 008
    ULONG cUsed;            // 00c
    ULONG cCollisions;      // 010
    HASHBUCKET * pbktFirst; // 014
    HASHBUCKET * pbktLast;  // 018
    HASHBUCKET * apbkt[];   // 01c


  • gdikdx