[ros-kernel] Progress bar border

Richard Campbell eek2121 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 5 06:30:19 CEST 2004

Change reverted, however wine DOES draw a border (FrameRect is called, 
border isn't visible because of an off by one issue?) in PROGRESS_draw.  
That is why i had put this code there.

Ge van Geldorp wrote:

>>From: Richard Campbell
>>Are you sure the border in this case isn't progress bar 
>>specific?  There isn't a flag to determine whether this
>>border is displayed, the way you suggest would be to
>>just draw the border for EVERY control in WM_NCPAINT,
>>which is incorrect, or am i misunderstanding you?
>I haven't looked at the code, but the progress bar is a direct port from
>Wine. Wine does draw the border correctly when needed without your
>change to progress.c, so there must be another way.
>We will never get your change accepted into Wine and to keep
>synchronizing between the Wine tree and our own tree as simple as
>possible I would very much welcome it if your change could be reverted.
>Gé van Geldorp.
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>Ros-kernel at reactos.com

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