AW: [ros-kernel] 16-bit dos

Steven Edwards steven_ed4153 at
Mon Mar 29 17:19:26 CEST 2004

--- Wesley Parish <wes.parish at> wrote:
> As I remember it, one of the big complaints about OS/2 2.0 when it
> reached GA, 
> was that its COM implementation was broken in that it couldn't work
> between 
> OS/2 and the Windows subsystem.  Consequently IBM pulled out all
> stops for 
> 2.1 and it actually did work between OS/2 and the Windows subsystem.

DDE and COM would work if you want to use dosbox or box and build the
Win16 subsystem as a true VM. The main problem I have with this is that
this method is going to take years++ to implement. We need Win16
support now for older installers such as the Office97 and MS_VC 6


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