QEMU Video Driver (Cirrus Logic 54xx)

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There is no 2000/XP version of CL-54XX driver, only 9x/NT4.

Cirrus Logic 54xx Driver installation revisions 21000-27222

Automated installation as in ROS 0.2.9 doesnt work. Manual installation by copying *.sys file to System32\Drivers and *.dll to System32 doesnt work as well (see Bug 2286). According to GreatLord, it is necessary to delete all vga/vbe drivers (sys files) from System32\Drivers dir:

[12:31:07] <GreatLord|Lap> have u delete [12:31:15] <GreatLord|Lap> vga and vbe drv [12:31:19] <GreatLord|Lap> from ros [12:31:33] <GreatLord|Lap> then copy in cl54xx drv [12:31:36] <GreatLord|Lap> ?? [12:31:46] <GreatLord|Lap> other wise cl54xx does not work [12:32:47] <GreatLord|Lap> whole vga drv files [12:32:54] <GreatLord|Lap> and vbe drv files [12:33:01] <GreatLord|Lap> the .sys

After booting to 3rd stage, i deleted the pointed .sys files (vgamp.sys and vbemp.sys), then copied cl-54xx files and imported registry keys. After a reset, still the same bug. If someone makes it work, please notify us. <by Caemyr>

Cirrus Logic 54xx Driver installation for ReactOS 0.2.9+

The Cirrus Logic 54xx driver is available from multiple web sites. Download the version for Windows NT4/2000/XP

Copy cirrus.inf and cl54xx.sys files to Reactos\inf directory.

The driver will be automatically installed at Reactos boot.

Cirrus Logic 54xx Driver installation for Reactos 0.2.8 and previous releases

Add following lines in hivesys.inf file

; QEMU SVGA Driver
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX","Group",0x00000000,"Video Save SVGA"
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.VgaCompatible",0x00010001,1
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.VRefresh",0x00010001,60
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel",0x00010001,16
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.Interlaced",0x00010001,0
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.XResolution",0x00010001,800
HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0","DefaultSettings.YResolution",0x00010001,600

Import the following registry file


"Group"="Video Save SVGA"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\Current\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CL54XX\Device0]
